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Creating Public Folders

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1.Install TaskController on an administrator's account.  The administrator's account must have Publishing Editor rights on the parent folder.  Refer to the sections Preparing to Install TaskController and Installing TaskController for details, then return here.

TaskController Options Dialog

2.Go to the TaskController options dialog (under the Tools menu).  Click Advance Form Option.

Advance Form Option Dialog

3.Click Create Folders.

Password Prompt

4.Enter the password.  The password is diditbetter.

Public Folder Selection Dialog

5.Choose the parent folder for your public folder structure.  A new root folder will be created underneath it, and the rest of the subfolders under that.  In this example, we are creating a folder structure under the root of the public folder store.

Prompt Dialog

6.Click Yes.

Master Folder Naming Dialog

7.Enter a name for your root folder.

Instance Creation Dialog

8.If you are going to be participating in this group, you may create a TaskController instance using the new public folders automatically by clicking Yes.  Otherwise click No.

TaskController Options Dialog

When you are returned to the options dialog, you will see that an instance has been created for you and that the task and appointment folders have been set to the default folders within the folder structure just created.

Repeat as necessary for each folder structure you need to create.


Page url: Installation Guide/index.html?creating_public_folders.htm