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Triggers and Responses

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Along with defining a source and destination, relationships also define the synchronization behavior in response to trigger events (or just triggers).  While there are a number of trigger events, they fall into three basic categories: addition of items (adds), changes to items (edits) and deletion of items (deletes).

Even just moving an item into or out of an active folder (as opposed to the item actually being created or deleted entirely from Outlook) triggers an add or delete event from the relationship's perspective.  The behavior described here is common to all relationships and is not configurable.  Configurable behaviors are described in the section Synchronization Profiles.


You can add an item to a relationship by putting it in the source folder, either by creating a new item in the source folder or by moving it there from another folder.

The behavior of the add trigger is uniform for all types of relationships: the item is copied to the destination.  There is no explicit configuration setting for the add trigger as it is intrinsic to the behavior of all relationships.  Since originals in the destination folder are not subject to the relationship, there is no such thing as an add to a destination folder.

Technical Details

If a destination folder is also a source for another relationship, then the other relationship is subject to adds on to that folder.  So when dealing with multiple relationships on the same active folder, it is important to think about which relationship is subject to a particular trigger event.  See Folder Grouping.

Upon setting up a new relationship, all of the items in the source folder are considered adds and are copied to the destination as long as the setting Synchronized Existing Items is set to All.  If it is set to None, all existing items in the source are ignored from then on and only new items in the folder will be synchronized.

Add2Exchange does not try to match existing items in the destination with source items when synchronizing for the first time. Add2Exchange always creates new replicas which it then tracks for the lifetime of the relationship.  Since frequently users have already copied the items of interest to their folders, there is a potential for duplication of these items.

Because of the potential for duplication (see Avoiding Duplication), it is recommended prior to the first synchronization of a new relationship you empty your destination folders by moving the contents to a side folder.  Then return any needed items from the side folder after synchronization.

The Private Mailbox Folder starts empty to avoid duplication.

Contacts are copied from the Public Folder to the Private Mailbox.

Edits and Deletes

Edits consist of any change to the fields of an item subject to the relationship.  The items in question include any item originating in the source as well as any replicas in the destination.  Edits to destination replicas may or may not affect the originating item in the source, depending on your relationship settings.

Edits are made to a contact in the Public Folder.

Changes are synchronized to the replica in the Private Mailbox.

Similarly, deletes consist of either the deletion of an item subject to the relationship or movement of such an item from an active folder to another folder.  The relationship is defined by the folders being monitored, not the items, so movement of an item out of the active folder is indistinguishable from the item having been deleted.

An originating contact is deleted from the Public Folder.

The contact copy in the Private Mailbox is also deleted.

How the relationship responds to changes to the copies in the destination folder are configurable.  For details, see the section Synchronization Profiles.

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